The American Bride and Prom Industry Association has issued the following guidelines to bridal gown and prom dress buyers, ensuring they buy an authentic brand-name dress from authorized retailers:
Pay close attention to the advertised retail price.
Retail prices should be consistent across all authorized retailers. If you discover a store or website that offers a brand name dress substantially lower than others, assume that the dress is a low quality counterfeit fake. Also, be aware of words like “inspired by,” “imitation,” “fake” and “similar to” that appear on the store’s website or advertisement.
Visit the brand name’s “Where To Buy” webpage.
If the store, web page or retail company in question is not listed, it may be part of a counterfeit operation.
Challenge the authenticity of the brand name being advertised.
Every authentic dress will bear a hangtag and inside garment label with the brand’s logo. If your dress is missing a tag or label, it may be a fake reproduction. Also, double check the spelling of the brand being represented.
Take note of the pictures displayed on the website or ad.
If the imagery used includes a model with a blurred out or pixelated face, cropped off head or displays any other suspicious photo-changing feature, the website or advertisement may be selling counterfeit dresses.
Visit the website’s “Contact Us” page.
An address in the United States as well as a telephone should be listed, not just an email address. It is also important to double check that the telephone number isn’t being forwarded to China or another foreign country.
Learn more about fake wedding gowns in this ABC report here:
And NBC published this report on fake prom dresses: